1. Erstellt einen neuen Ordner -> img/ 2. chmod 777 img/ 3. Legt eine neue PHP Datei an -> img/log.php PHP-Code: <?php $ip = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $port = htmls... weiterlesen...
Hey, ich will euch heute mit den vier größten Sicherheitslücken in PHP Scripts vertraut machen! 1. SQLi(SQL Injection) 2. LFI(Local File Inclusion) 3. RFI(Remote File Inclusion) 4. XSS(Cross... weiterlesen...
You might need to spend a bit of money if you want this to work. Go to your nulled host. Append the following after their WHMCS directory (for example www.resellerrocket.com/am/) Code: inclu... weiterlesen...
— XSS // XSS: Cross Site Scripting (X=crossed, S=site, S=scripting) Definition: This is commonly a client-side attack but if embedded correctly in the source it could cause permanent d... weiterlesen...
— RFI // Starting off, we are going to discuss the technique „RFI“, this ideal is often named by „Remote File Inclusion“. It is similar to „Local File Inc... weiterlesen...
The following proof of concept demonstrates a XSS virus. The vulnerable environment created is an example scenario required for XSS viruses and does not show an exhaustive set of possible co... weiterlesen...